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Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria will be used to assess companies’ applications: 

Applicants, firms, or individual entrepreneurs, need to demonstrate a track record of at least three years of cumulative experience of providing the relevant services on a commercial basis to local or international clients.  

The applicants must provide a Business Plan that will include comprehensive information about the business model, market analysis, proposed organization and management, marketing plan, financial model, and growth potential.  


*Legal technical assistance will be available to local and foreign companies to support them to register new companies, subsidiaries, branches in West Bank. 

**The program only supports entrepreneurs that would like to launch new IT services companies, e.g., outsourcing models, not start-ups in ideation phase. Start-ups are considered mature tech or tech enabled start-ups if they can prove traction / demand in the market and are generating revenues.  


To access additional information regarding eligible expenses, duration, application guidelines, and other relevant details, kindly click here

If you are familiar with the grant and application process, please click here