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Palestine Technology for Youth and Jobs Project (TechStart) is a project for the benefit of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Digital Economy (MTDE), funded by the World Bank, the European Union, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the Government of the Kingdom of Netherlands, and implemented by DAI. 


TechStart is an 8-Year, US$30 million project that aims to increase economic opportunities for IT service firms in the West Bank and Gaza through four major focus areas which seek to improve IT services capabilities, develop the IT service ecosystem, improve market access, and increase demand and investments in the Palestinian IT sector. 


The project falls under the World Bank’s and the development partners overarching objective to alleviate market failures related to gaps and binding constraints in the entrepreneurship ecosystem of the digital economy including in human capital, financing, product markets, enabling policies, institutional support, connectivity, and the competitiveness of the Palestinian IT services sector.   



TechStart Fact Sheet